This message was shared by Debbie V at Word of Grace Church on September 27th, 2020 via Zoom
This teaching is a follow up on what we have been doing as a series in the book of Acts. Stephen summarizes major Old Testament event that points to the coming of the Messiah. In this series, we will be growing through some of those events.
By now, with our study of Acts and Genesis on Abraham, we would have realised that Abraham and his entire life is not a story….. BUT a constant reminder of a Man whose walk with God, pioneered the walk of faith. He had no one to follow… no Old Testament or New Testament scriptures to reference, no online or YouTube messages or no church messages, like you and I have…. just about 19 times in 30 years when God spoke to him…. BUT HE BELIEVED GOD….
ages, like you and I have…. just about 19 times in 30 years when God spoke to him…. BUT HE BELIEVED GOD….
To read the notes READ NOTES