Zoom Worship December 5th, 2021
This is an edited version. This worship was led by Lasya. Be blessed as you listen to this and do write a comment on how you have been blessed by the worship. You can also listen to testimonies shared on Sunday.
* 00:00 Give thanks to God
* 2:58 here I bow
* 4:30 Living hope
* 8:51 Prabhu Tera pyaar + spontaneous and prophetic sharing
* 19:15 The god I know
* 24:25 Thank you for the cross (Breaking of Bread)
* No offering song
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00:56 Nini
2:05 Rachel
2:45 Navaz
4:28 Fanny
6:37 Ralphy
8:29 Meher
8:55 Tara
9:12 Hazel + prophetic sharing
14:20 Asha
15:23 Lasya + prophetic sharing
17:13 Manesh Scripture sharing
17:33 Ashmita
19:30 Navaz- prophetic sharing