1 Peter 1 Part 5
Lasya preached this message at Word of Grace on October 8th 2023
This is part 5 of a new series on the book 1 Peter. Peter is reminding this reader who is the Jewish diaspora scattered in the region now known as Turkey. He is giving them perspective in the midst of immense persecution by reminding them that they are God’s chosen people who are strangers sojourning through this world but for a short while. In the midst of the trials, Peter reminds them how to continue to live holy lives that bring glory to God.
Today’s passage is like the prosciutto and meat of a good sandwich. 1 Pet 3: 8-22 and 1 peter 4: 12-19, Peter speaks about suffering to people who are undergoing tremendous suffering. He gives their suffering a purpose. He reminds them of Jesus who also suffered in the flesh – the righteous for the unrighteous so that he might bring us to God. And that now he is in heaven, at the right hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers being subject to him.