What makes us Word of Grace

The first and greatest command is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We love Jesus and desire to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. So you can call us Evangelical, Charismatic, Reformed, Bible believing Christians who want to know Jesus and want to make him known.
Sunday morning is our time of corporate Public Worship where we celebrate and worship Jesus all together. The Bible encourages us to do this and not neglect meeting together. It’s a time where we come together to experience the power of God and the presence of Jesus through singing songs of praise and worship, hearing the Bible preached, listening to stories of God’s working in peoples lives, praying , celebrating the Lord’s Supper. The personal aspect of enjoying God is where we teach people to engage with God in a personal way through having a daily quiet time, prayer, study of scripture and personal worship..

We are deeply relational because God is relational. Jesus gave us a new commandment to “Love one another” and that people would know that we belong to Him by our love for each other.
We believe that for a Christ follower this is best expressed and nurtured in the context of the local church. The life of the church also pulsates in smaller groups that we call “GYM GROUPS”. It is here where we get to know one another, share life, have fun times, pray for each other, learn to be a family and partner with others to serve the church and society and to reach a needy world. We encourage everyone who is a part of us to be a part of one of these groups that meet across the city.
Get in touch with us if you would like to be a part of one of these groups.

The last command that Jesus gave while on this earth “Go and make disciples”. We aim to be disciples of Jesus who make disciples and so bring change in our local community, city, nation and beyond.
As John Wesley the great preacher who shook England in the 1800s said “The world is my parish”. What is unique about Newfrontiers is that we are a group of 900 churches spread across 60 nations that functions through apostolic spheres that are held together not by some headquarters or religious head, but through relationships. We are deeply mission minded and want to make Jesus famous the world over. So we are not just “in Pune for Pune” but we want to take the gospel “from this nation to the nations”. How do we do this? One of our core values is planting reproducing churches.
We also seek to engage the community we live in by serving the poor and needy.
Jesus desires that every believer be thoroughly equipped for every good work and be brought to spiritual maturity. Different training tracks are provided to accomplish this. Leadership Training Courses, Marriage and parenting courses, Church Planting Training, Worship Team training, New believers Courses, Conferences, camps and other events help to build maturity in the body.